Hi synth peeps… I’m here from Gearspace. Look forward to whatever synth talk comes up here. I have a big pile of synths from Moog, Sequential, Yamaha, ASM and more. And an Elektron Model:Samples.
Really excited to see this community grow!
That’s a nice selection of synths, do you have a YouTube channel?-
No Youtube channel (no talent for that sort of thing, haha!), but I do have a track or two on Soundcloud. My latest “Prom Night” is here, featuring the Hydrasynth Deluxe, OB-6, Take 5 and Model:Samples on drums: https://soundcloud.com/kpatz03103/prom-night
Here’s what my setup looks like at the moment. Just everything piled into a 6-tier Jaspers stand. I want to get a better desk for the DAW PC and a controller and rearrange things to be more ergonomic, but that’s down the road. I also need to work on acoustic treatments.
I built this all up starting in 2018 after my wife left me, so I call it the “Jilted Husband Studio”. lol
For the gear freaks, here’s a list of everything:
Top tier, left to right: Behringer Neutron above Arturia Keystep, Moog Werkstatt-01 above Moog Sirin, Sequential OB-6 (and my toy cat Oberheim perched on…Read More-
That’s a nice wall of synths! I don’t see any drum machines there, or so you just use the Model Samples for beats?
Looks great! 🙂 How did you mount the Neutron at the Jaspers? Looks like it is levitating over the Keystep. 😉
synthdemic posted in the group Synth News & Events
Some big news from Arturia who have just released MiniFreak!
The SonicState review is up already…
Looking at the specs… it’s a polyphonic hybrid synth with six voices (including a 12-voice paraphonic mode), two stackable sound engines (offering 20 different synthesis modes), analog filters, 10 built-in stereo effects (with 3 slots) and a 37-note slim keyboard. So quite a bit of a step up from the MicroFreak. It also comes with a free companion like-for-like VST Instrument called MiniFreak V.
This looks really nice. I was always put off by the lack…Read More
I tried to place a preorder on their website but it says out of stock. Have they sold out already or is it not available yet?
I don’t think they’re available yet as none of the retailers appear to have listed them yet.
This is a similar price and size as the Hydrasynth Explorer, which seems to have a much deeper synth engine, but the Minifreak has those SEM analog filters (which do sound really nice). If i was in the market for one, I’m not sure which one I’d go for. Probably the Hydrasynth to be honest.
I just came here to post the loopop review and see it’s already here. I’m seriously GASing for this one. I have the Microfreak, but this new one has effects and it sounds amazing. Plus 6 voices poly, 2 oscillators per voice, 3 octave keybed, and loaded to the gills. I might have to boot something out my setup to free up mixer inputs for this lil ‘freak.
The microfreak never really appealed to me much. Why would you recommend buying this over the Hydrasynth Explorer?
Both the Minifreak and HS Explorer are great synths in their own right, but they have a lot of differences as well. I can’t recommend one over the other, that’s a matter of opinion. (For the record, I have a Hydrasynth Deluxe and a Microfreak, neither can replace the other).
Both are sound designer dream synths: the Freaks with their many digital oscillator options, and the Hydrasynths with their many wavetable waveforms, mutants and filter options. Both have powerful mod matrices, decent to great effects (I think Arturia wins in the effects dept).
IMHO the biggest miss on the…Read More
Thanks for the review. I’m leaning towards the Hydrasynth Explorer for the Poly AT. From what I gather the Minifreak doesn’t have this even over midi.
turtleaudio posted in the group TB-303 Clones
Quite an entertaining tutorial on how to program the TB sequencer
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