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      Alex posted in the group Synth News & Events

      1 year, 10 months ago

      Anyone thinking about getting the new Roland SH-4d? It looks pretty good, better than the MC-707 is some ways (more immediate, more direct access to parameters, less menus).

      • I’ve been eyeing this one to replace (or supplement?) my JD-Xi. I really like the SH-101 and Juno-106 models in videos I’ve seen. There’s plenty of effects, a more powerful sequencer than the Xi, it runs on batteries, and sound editing is a LOT more accessible. As for replacing the MC-707 with it, the SH-4d is marketed as a multitimbral synth rather than a groovebox and it doesn’t have pattern chain or song mode, so that’s something to consider. It also doesn’t have any ability to load user samples and the PCM waveforms are limited. But, limitations aside, it looks like a great little box.

        • I’ve preordered one, can’t wait to try it 🙂

        • While I think it’s a shame they didn’t add any song capabilities or chaining, I think as a multitimbral synth it looks and sounds amazing. I’m really tempted to buy one but might wait until it’s available to the public to get some user feedback. For example I noticed that not one of the demo videos showed it changing from one pattern to another. They all stopped the sequencer before choosing another pattern. I’d like to hear how in performs in this regard, e.g. does the release and effects tails get cut off when changing patterns. Also, how well does it respond to program changes from other gear. The MC-707 works quite well in this regard but the TR-8S glitches out when responding to PCMs and is unusable for me.

      • I have mine already, did a couple of live steams on my YouTube channel 🙂


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