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    • London Synth + Pedal Expo 2023

      I shall be attending.

      • How was it? I thought about going but never made it. Maybe next year!

        • Isn’t what as “good” as it could’ve been.
          The queue was 45 minute long and it was jam packed inside.
          It was the first one so there were bound to be problems.
          They basically misjudged the amount of interest here in London.
          They are already learning from this one and planning ahead for next year.

          • Sounds like it was more popular than they expected, did you get to try and of the gear? Glad I didn’t go in that case, sounds like they need a bigger venue in future!

            • I did get to try some of guitar pedals but not many.
              The two that stood out for me where Two Notes and Rainger FX.
              Two notes had a guitar preamp with 64bit internal mixing with over sampling,
              proprietary custom chips and their own reverb algorithms.
              My guitar, an Epiphone WildKat, sounded super sweet through it.
              Rainger FX had some rather quirky pedals on display including one they call
              a “Minibar”, which needs liquid to work.
              High conductive liquids create low gain, low conductive liquids create high gain
              and one can change the tone by the amount or light it receives via a photo…Read More

          • Glad I didn’t go. From what I’ve heard there were a lot of people that just left the queue and went home disappointed.

            • True.
              Many people did leave disappointed and to a certain degree
              so was I but I was actually glad that I stuck it through.
              Let’s see what happens next year.

    • How to make 303 acid basslines on the Elektron Model Cycles. Sounds good!

      • It actually makes quite nice acid-style basslines. It’s a great little box. If I didn’t have much money/space I’d definitely go with a Model:Cycles over the Novation Circuit.

        • To me it sounds more like FM bass than a 303. It has its own sounds. A Model:Samples could get closer to a 303 with the right samples plus it has a filter.

    • I’ve been reading the manual and I can’t see a way to reverse a drum sound in the Rhythm part. Does anyone know if there’s a way to do this?

      • I took a look at this for you and unfortunately I can’t find a way to reverse drum hits on the SH-4d. I know you can do it on the MC-101 and MC-707 by increasing the key offset to +24 but there’s no way to do this on the SH-4d. I tried increasing the pitch to maximum but it doesn’t reverse the sample. I thought that maybe there would be some reversed drums in the Rhythm PCMs but I checked and there isn’t.

        • Oh that’s a shame. I don’t have mine yet so was hoping it was something I’d missed in the manual. Hopefully they’ll add this in a future firmware update.

          • I stand corrected! I just experimented more and some of the sounds (but not all) do go into reverse when Layer 1/2 Course Tune is set from +24 to +48.

            • That’s awesome, thanks for rechecking this! I’m always using reverse cymbals in my beats before a drop etc. so glad you can do this! Can’t wait to get my SH-4d!!

              • So I went through and made a list of the drum tones that can be reversed. No cymbals as far as I could see!

                Kicks 096-101

                Snares 151-153, 173-180

                Hats 216-219

                Toms 278-280
Bongos 419-423

                Congas 424-437

                Timbale 438-441, 443-446

                Tabla 447-453
Hits 458-459

                TB Blip 460
Steel Gtr 477

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