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      Jake posted in the group Roland SH-4d Synthesizer Group

      1 year, 11 months ago

      I’ve been reading the manual and I can’t see a way to reverse a drum sound in the Rhythm part. Does anyone know if there’s a way to do this?

      • I took a look at this for you and unfortunately I can’t find a way to reverse drum hits on the SH-4d. I know you can do it on the MC-101 and MC-707 by increasing the key offset to +24 but there’s no way to do this on the SH-4d. I tried increasing the pitch to maximum but it doesn’t reverse the sample. I thought that maybe there would be some reversed drums in the Rhythm PCMs but I checked and there isn’t.

        • Oh that’s a shame. I don’t have mine yet so was hoping it was something I’d missed in the manual. Hopefully they’ll add this in a future firmware update.

          • I stand corrected! I just experimented more and some of the sounds (but not all) do go into reverse when Layer 1/2 Course Tune is set from +24 to +48.

            • That’s awesome, thanks for rechecking this! I’m always using reverse cymbals in my beats before a drop etc. so glad you can do this! Can’t wait to get my SH-4d!!

              • So I went through and made a list of the drum tones that can be reversed. No cymbals as far as I could see!

                Kicks 096-101

                Snares 151-153, 173-180

                Hats 216-219

                Toms 278-280
Bongos 419-423

                Congas 424-437

                Timbale 438-441, 443-446

                Tabla 447-453
Hits 458-459

                TB Blip 460
Steel Gtr 477

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