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      Alex posted in the group Korg Electribe Users

      I just bought an electribe 2 on eBay to use with my Oxi One. This will be the third time I’ve had one, both were sold previously as I couldn’t stand using the crappy sequencer. But after recently picking up an Oxi One MIDI Sequencer I figured they’d make a great pair. Basically just using the electribe as a sound module with the Oxi controlling everything. Both are battery powered and have TRS Type A MIDI ports so I should just be able to connect them with a single 3.5mm audio cable for MIDI. Should be a fun combo. I’ll let you know how I get on and maybe post some videos!

    • The Drambo Group has been changed to the “iPad Music Apps” group so you can now post about any apps your using to make music 🙂

    • Any opinions on the Roland S-1 Tweak Synth if I already own an SH-01A? Anyone own both? Which do you prefer?

      • I prefer the sliders on the SH-01A. Can easily see where the parameters are and easier to control. No effects though, but I just use with Digitakt delay/reverb.

      • Now the price has come down a bit I’m tempted. I already have the SH-01A (which I love) but the T-1 is more portable and it has the waveform drawing and built in effects. Will also be fun to pair it with the T-8!

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