Alex posted in the group Roland SH-4d Synthesizer Group
I’ve created a template (backup/restore file) that will make the SH-4d behave more like a groovebox when saving Patterns.
For the first 32 patterns, I’ve saved (and pre-mapped) an INIT preset for each Tone Part 1-4, as well as a default TR-909 Rhythm Kit.
You can now select a pattern (01-32), create your synth and drum parts, and then save the Pattern (using OVERWRITE) and, if you’re designing your own sounds while creating patterns, there’s now no need to rename everything as I’ve already done it for you!
The remaining 96 patterns have been left empty, so you can use these for saving pattern variations when creating a song or a live set. There are also 128 free user tone slots and 32 free user rhythm kits available, so you can still save patches/kits separately as normal should you wish.
To use the template, extract the file and then follow the instructions in the manual for restoring the SH-4d. Please make sure you complete the backup process before using the restore file (to back up your current patterns/patches/kits).
Please note, the SH-4d will always ask you to resave any factory presets that you use in your patterns into a user slot. In this case, you can still use the overwrite function but you will be forced to save/rename the patch.
While I hope Roland releases an update to allow the saving of sounds within the patterns, I think this template will solve one of the major issues with the SH-4d. Hope you enjoy! 🙂
An example, of the naming convention used for patterns/tones/kits is shown below:
PATT 01 > PART 01
PATT 01 > PART 02
PATT 01 > PART 03
PATT 01 > PART 04
PATT 02 > PART 01
PATT 02 > PART 02
PATT 02 > PART 03
PATT 02 > PART 04
PATT 02 > RHYTHM…all the way up to PATTERN 32
Other things I’ve changed in the template include:
1) Delay send had been set to dotted 1/8 (default was 1/4T)
2) MFX has been preset to SuperFilter (default was Thru)
3) The default volumes of the TR-909 kit have been better matched
4) As there is currently no metronome, a 4/4 kick pattern has been added to the Rhythm track to assist with timing when recording Tone parts.-
Here is a link to the manual showing how to install the template file. Follow the instructions for “Restore” using the provided SH4d.SVD file.
Alex, I can’t help to ask… what are you using as an editor/librarian for the .svd file? I understand that this is a file format that Roland uses for some of their synths – I couldn’t see any librarian/editor for the SH-4D … would be nice if we see one in the future… anyhow, just curious…
Bit late to the party, but anyway.. I just registered just to say ‘Thank you!’ for this. It’s exactly the same method I have been using manually for each new project until now. This is a huge time saver.
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Here’s a video showing the template file…